[S0002]创建产品失败,Attribute LENGTH with value 26 is required and was omitted.
[S0002]创建产品失败,Attribute LENGTH with value 26 is required and was omitted. You can use a number followed by one of these valid units: [", cm].|Attribute DIAMETER with value 19 is required and was omitted. You can use a number followed by one of these valid units: [", cm].|Attribute DIAMETER with value 19 is required and was omitted. You can use a number followed by one of these valid units: [", cm].|Attribute LENGTH with value 35 is required and was omitted. You can use a number followed by one of these valid units: [", cm].|
Length、Width、Height、Weight 必须为数字
关键词:mercadolibre 产品刊登 报错